Saturday, May 8, 2010

May 2010

Abolitionists Great Britain Biography.
Amazing Grace : William Wilberforce and the heroic campaign to end slavery / Eric Metaxas.   [HT 1029 .W6 M48 2008]

Aboriginal Australians Missions Australia Victoria History 19th century.
German Moravian missionaries in the British colony of Victoria, Australia, 1848-1908 : influential strangers / by Felicity Jensz.   [BV 3660 .V5 J46 2010]

Glory of the Lord : a theological aesthetics / by Hans Urs von Balthasar ; translated by Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis ; edited by Joseph Fessio and John Riches.   [BT 78 .B3413 1983 v.5]

African Americans Religion History.
Decline of African American theology : from biblical faith to cultural captivity / Thabiti M. Anyabwile.   [BT 82.7 .A59 2007]

African Americans Religion.
True to our native land : an African American New Testament commentary / Brian K. Blount, general editor ; Cain Hope Felder, Clarice J. Martin, & Emerson B. Powery, associate editors.   [BS 2341.52 .T78 2007]

Apocryphal books (Old Testament) Criticism, interpretation, etc. Africa.
Africana Bible : reading Israel's Scriptures from Africa and the African diaspora / Hugh R. Page, Jr., general editor ; Randall C. Bailey ... [et al.], associate editors.   [BS 1171.3 .A37 2009]

Apostles Biography.
Rabbi Paul : an intellectual biography / Bruce Chilton.   [BS 2506.3 .C47 2004]

Assisted suicide Moral and ethical aspects.
Ending life : ethics and the way we die / Margaret Pabst Battin.   [R 726 .B329 2005]

Assisted suicide.
To die well : your right to comfort, calm, and choice in the last days of life / Sidney H. Wander, MD with Joseph Glenmullen, MD.   [R 726 .W369 2008]

Assyria in the Bible.
Invasion of Sennacherib in the book of Kings : a source-critical and rhetorical study of 2 Kings 18-19 / by Paul S. Evans.   [BS 410 .V452 v.125]

Assyro-Babylonian literature History and criticism.
Eau, enjeux politiques et the¿¿ologiques, de Sumer a¿¿ la Bible / par Ste¿¿phanie Anthonioz.   [BS 410 .V452 v.131]

Authors, American 20th century Correspondence.
Out of my bone : the letters of Joy Davidman / edited and introduced by Don W. King.   [PS 3507 .A6659 Z48 2009]

Bereavement United States Psychological aspects.
Silent grief : living in the wake of suicide / Christopher Lukas and Henry M. Seiden.   [HV 6548 .U5 L85 2007]

Don't take my grief away from me : how to walk through grief and learn to live again / by Doug Manning.   [BF 575 .G7 M366 2005]

Berengar, of Tours, ca. 1000-1088.
On the body and blood of the Lord / Lanfranc of Canterbury. On the truth of the body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist / Guitmund of Aversa ; translated by Mark G. Vaillancourt.   [BX 2220 .L36 2009]

Bible as literature.
Untamable texts : literary studies and narrative theory in the books of Samuel / Greger Andersson.   [BS 1325.52 .A53 2009]

Bible Criticism, interpretation, etc.
In the shadow of Your wings : new readings of great texts from the Bible / Norbert Lohfink ; translated by Linda M. Maloney.   [BS 511.3 .L6413 2003]

Bible Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Land of Israel in Bible, history, and theology : studies in honour of Ed Noort / edited by Jacques van Ruiten and J. Cornelis de Vos.   [BS 410 .V452 v.124]

Bible Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Life with God : reading the Bible for spiritual transformation / Richard J. Foster ; with Kathryn A. Helmers.   [BS 511.3 .F67 2008]

Bible Criticism, interpretation, etc. History.
History of biblical interpretation / by Henning Graf Reventlow.   [BS 500 .R4813 2009 v.2]

Bible Criticism, interpretation, etc. History.
History of biblical interpretation / edited by Alan J. Hauser & Duane F. Watson.   [BS 500 .H575 2003 v.2]

Bible Hermeneutics.
Image and glory of God : 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 as a case study in Bible, gender and hermeneutics / Michael J. Lakey.   [BS 2675.52 .L354 2010]

Bible Theology.
Biblical theology : retrospect and prospect / edited by Scott J. Hafemann.   [BS 543 .B524 2002]

Bible Theology.
Witness of Jesus, Paul, and John : an exploration in biblical theology / Larry R. Helyer.   [BS 543 .H435 2008]

Bible Translating.
Transformation of biblical proper names / Joz¿¿e Kras¿¿ovec.   [BS 1199 .N2 K737 2010]

Bible. N.T Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Structuring early Christian memory : Jesus in tradition, performance and text / Rafael Rodriguez.   [BT 303.2 .R637 2010]

Bible. N.T History of Biblical events.
Structuring early Christian memory : Jesus in tradition, performance and text / Rafael Rodriguez.   [BT 303.2 .R637 2010]

Bible. N.T. Acts Criticism, Narrative.
Geography and the Ascension narrative in Acts / Matthew Sleeman.   [BS 2625.6 .S59 S54 2009]

Bible. N.T. Acts Geography.
Geography and the Ascension narrative in Acts / Matthew Sleeman.   [BS 2625.6 .S59 S54 2009]

Bible. N.T. Acts Theology.
Geography and the Ascension narrative in Acts / Matthew Sleeman.   [BS 2625.6 .S59 S54 2009]

Bible. N.T. Black interpretations.
True to our native land : an African American New Testament commentary / Brian K. Blount, general editor ; Cain Hope Felder, Clarice J. Martin, & Emerson B. Powery, associate editors.   [BS 2341.52 .T78 2007]

Bible. N.T. Commentaries.
True to our native land : an African American New Testament commentary / Brian K. Blount, general editor ; Cain Hope Felder, Clarice J. Martin, & Emerson B. Powery, associate editors.   [BS 2341.52 .T78 2007]

Bible. N.T. Corinthians Commentaries.
Commentaries on Romans and 1-2 Corinthians / Ambrosiaster ; translated and edited by Gerald L. Bray.   [BR 65 .A323 A4313 2009]

Bible. N.T. Corinthians, 1st Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Great sermon tradition as a fiscal framework in 1 Corinthians : towards a Pauline theology of material possessions / Christopher L. Carter.   [BS 2670 .C378 2010]

Bible. N.T. Corinthians, 1st, XI, 2-16 Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Image and glory of God : 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 as a case study in Bible, gender and hermeneutics / Michael J. Lakey.   [BS 2675.52 .L354 2010]

Bible. N.T. Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Theological interpretation of the New Testament : a book-by-book survey / Kevin J. Vanhoozer, general editor ; Daniel J. Treier and N. T. Wright, associate editors.   [BS 2397 .T43 2008]

Bible. N.T. Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Torah in the New Testament : papers delivered at the Manchester-Lausanne Seminar of June 2008 / edited by Michael Tait and Peter Oakes.   [BS 2545 .L34 T673 2009]

Bible. N.T. Criticism, interpretation, etc.
True to our native land : an African American New Testament commentary / Brian K. Blount, general editor ; Cain Hope Felder, Clarice J. Martin, & Emerson B. Powery, associate editors.   [BS 2341.52 .T78 2007]

Bible. N.T. Ephesians Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Politics of peace : Ephesians, Dio Chrysostom, and the Confucian Four books / by Te-Li Lau.   [BS 2695.6 .P5 L38 2010]

Bible. N.T. Ephesians Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Reading Ephesians : exploring social entrepreneurship in the text / Minna Shkul.   [BS 2695.52 .S558 2009]

Bible. N.T. Epistles of Paul Commentaries.
Commentaries on Galatians-Philemon / Ambrosiaster ; translated and edited by Gerald L. Bray.   [BR 65 .A323 A43213 2009]

Bible. N.T. Epistles of Paul Criticism, interpretation, etc.
All of you are one : the social vision of Galatians 3.28, 1 Corinthians 12.13 and Colossians 3.11 / Bruce Hansen.   [BS 2650.52 .H367 2010]

Bible. N.T. Epistles of Paul Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Former Jew : Paul and the dialectics of race / Love L. Sechrest.   [BS 2650.52 .S434 2009]

Bible. N.T. Epistles of Paul Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Jesus and Paul : global perspectives in honor of James D.G. Dunn for his 70th birthday / edited by B.J. Oropeza, C.K. Robertson and Douglas C. Mohrmann ; with forewords by Richard B. Hays, N.T. Wright.   [BS 2650.5 .J478 2009]

Bible. N.T. Epistles of Paul Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Paul and Epictetus on law : a comparison / Niko Huttunen.   [BS 2655 .L35 H888 2009]

Bible. N.T. Epistles of Paul Theology Congresses.
Torah in the New Testament : papers delivered at the Manchester-Lausanne Seminar of June 2008 / edited by Michael Tait and Peter Oakes.   [BS 2545 .L34 T673 2009]

Bible. N.T. Epistles of Paul Theology.
Deliverance of God : an apocalyptic rereading of justification in Paul / Douglas A. Campbell.   [BS 2655 .J8 C36 2009]

Bible. N.T. Epistles of Paul Theology.
Great sermon tradition as a fiscal framework in 1 Corinthians : towards a Pauline theology of material possessions / Christopher L. Carter.   [BS 2670 .C378 2010]

Bible. N.T. Gospels Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Audience of the Gospels : the origin and function of the Gospels in early Christianity / edited by Edward W. Klink III.   [BS 2555.52 .A935 2010]

Bible. N.T. Gospels Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Gospeled lives : encounters with Jesus : a Lenten study / John Indermark.   [BT 301.3 .I53 2008]

Bible. N.T. Gospels Social scientific criticism.
Audience of the Gospels : the origin and function of the Gospels in early Christianity / edited by Edward W. Klink III.   [BS 2555.52 .A935 2010]

Bible. N.T. Hermeneutics.
Reading the Good Book well : a guide to biblical interpretation / Jerry Camery-Hoggatt.   [BS 2331 .C36 2007]

Bible. N.T. James Commentaries.
James / Dan G. McCartney.   [BS 2785.53 .M36 2009]

Bible. N.T. James Criticism, interpretation, etc.
What are they saying about the letter of James? / Alicia J. Batten.   [BS 2785.52 .B38 2009]

Bible. N.T. John Commentaries.
Commentary on the Gospel of John / Theodore of Mopsuestia ; translated with an introduction and notes by Marco Conti ; edited by Joel C. Elowsky.   [BS 2615.53 .T4913 2010]

Bible. N.T. Mark Criticism, interpretation, etc. History 20th century.
Poetic discontent : Austin Farrer and the Gospel of Mark / Robert Titley.   [BX 5199 .F29 T585 2010]

Bible. N.T. Pastoral Epistles Commentaries.
1 & 2 Timothy, Titus / Paul M. Zehr.   [BS 2735.53 .Z44 2010]

Bible. N.T. Revelation Commentaries.
Revelation / Joseph L. Mangina.   [BS 2825.53 .M36 2010]

Bible. N.T. Romans Commentaries.
Commentaries on Romans and 1-2 Corinthians / Ambrosiaster ; translated and edited by Gerald L. Bray.   [BR 65 .A323 A4313 2009]

Bible. N.T. Theology.
Knocking on heaven's door : a New Testament theology of petitionary prayer / David Crump.   [BS 2545 .P67 C78 2006]

Bible. N.T. Theology.
Theological interpretation of the New Testament : a book-by-book survey / Kevin J. Vanhoozer, general editor ; Daniel J. Treier and N. T. Wright, associate editors.   [BS 2397 .T43 2008]

Bible. N.T. Theology.
Witness of Jesus, Paul, and John : an exploration in biblical theology / Larry R. Helyer.   [BS 543 .H435 2008]

Bible. N.T. Translating Congresses.
Translating the New Testament : text, translation, theology / edited by Stanley E. Porter and Mark J. Boda.   [BS 449 .T7475 2009]

Bible. O.T. Amos Criticism, Textual.
Finding meaning in the text : translation technique and theology in the Septuagint of Amos / by W. Edward Glenny.   [BS 410 .V452 v.126]

Bible. O.T. Amos Language, style.
Finding meaning in the text : translation technique and theology in the Septuagint of Amos / by W. Edward Glenny.   [BS 410 .V452 v.126]

Bible. O.T. Amos Theology.
Finding meaning in the text : translation technique and theology in the Septuagint of Amos / by W. Edward Glenny.   [BS 410 .V452 v.126]

Bible. O.T. Amos Translating.
Finding meaning in the text : translation technique and theology in the Septuagint of Amos / by W. Edward Glenny.   [BS 410 .V452 v.126]

Bible. O.T. Amos. Greek Versions Septuagint.
Finding meaning in the text : translation technique and theology in the Septuagint of Amos / by W. Edward Glenny.   [BS 410 .V452 v.126]

Bible. O.T. Biography.
Flawed families of the Bible : how God's grace works through imperfect relationships / David E. Garland and Diana R. Garland.   [BS 1199 .F32 G37 2007]

Bible. O.T. Chronicles Criticism, Textual.
Septuagint's translation of the Hebrew verbal system in Chronicles / by Roger Good.   [BS 1344 .G7 G66 2009]

Bible. O.T. Chronicles Translating.
Septuagint's translation of the Hebrew verbal system in Chronicles / by Roger Good.   [BS 1344 .G7 G66 2009]

Bible. O.T. Chronicles. Greek Versions Septuagint.
Septuagint's translation of the Hebrew verbal system in Chronicles / by Roger Good.   [BS 1344 .G7 G66 2009]

Bible. O.T. Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Homeland and exile : biblical and ancient Near Eastern studies in honour of Bustenay Oded / edited by Gershon Galil, Mark Geller and Alan Millard.   [BS 410 .V452 v.130]

Bible. O.T. Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Theological interpretation of the Old Testament : a book-by-book survey / Kevin J. Vanhoozer, general editor ; Craig G. Bartholomew and Daniel J. Treier, associate editors.   [BS 1171.3 .T493 2008]

Bible. O.T. Criticism, interpretation, etc. Africa.
Africana Bible : reading Israel's Scriptures from Africa and the African diaspora / Hugh R. Page, Jr., general editor ; Randall C. Bailey ... [et al.], associate editors.   [BS 1171.3 .A37 2009]

Bible. O.T. Criticism, interpretation, etc. Congresses.
Congress volume : Ljubljana, 2007 / edited by Andre¿¿ Lemaire.   [BS 410 .V452 v.133]

Bible. O.T. Criticism, interpretation, etc. Congresses.
Septuagint and reception : essays prepared for the Association for the Study of the Septuagint in South Africa / edited by Johann Cook.   [BS 410 . .V452 v.127]

Bible. O.T. Criticism, Narrative.
Israel's life / John Goldingay.   [BS 1182.3 .G65 2003 v.3]

Bible. O.T. Daniel Socio-rhetorical criticism.
Dissonance and the drama of divine sovereignty in the book of Daniel / Amy C. Merrill Willis.   [BS 1556 .W46 2010]

Bible. O.T. Daniel Theology.
Dissonance and the drama of divine sovereignty in the book of Daniel / Amy C. Merrill Willis.   [BS 1556 .W46 2010]

Bible. O.T. Ecclesiastes Commentaries.
Encountering Ecclesiastes : a book for our time / James Limburg.   [BS 1475.53 .L56 2006]

Bible. O.T. Evidences, authority, etc.
Bible among the myths : unique revelation or just ancient literature? / John N. Oswalt.   [BS 1183 .O85 2009]

Bible. O.T. Exodus Commentaries.
Commentary on Exodus / Thomas B. Dozeman.   [BS 1245.53 .D68 2009]

Bible. O.T. Genesis Commentaries.
Genesis / R.R. Reno.   [BS 1235.53 .R46 2010]

Bible. O.T. Genesis Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Genesis, Isaiah, and Psalms : a festschrift to honour Professor John Emerton for his eightieth birthday / edited by Katharine Dell, Graham Davies, Yee Von Koh.   [BS 1235.52 .G475 2010]

Bible. O.T. Greek Versions Septuagint Congresses.
Septuagint and reception : essays prepared for the Association for the Study of the Septuagint in South Africa / edited by Johann Cook.   [BS 410 . .V452 v.127]

Bible. O.T. Historiography.
Bible among the myths : unique revelation or just ancient literature? / John N. Oswalt.   [BS 1183 .O85 2009]

Bible. O.T. History of Biblical events.
History of ancient Israel and Judah / J. Maxwell Miller, John H. Hayes.   [DS 117 .M54 2006]

Bible. O.T. History of Biblical events.
Homeland and exile : biblical and ancient Near Eastern studies in honour of Bustenay Oded / edited by Gershon Galil, Mark Geller and Alan Millard.   [BS 410 .V452 v.130]

Bible. O.T. Introductions.
Theological interpretation of the Old Testament : a book-by-book survey / Kevin J. Vanhoozer, general editor ; Craig G. Bartholomew and Daniel J. Treier, associate editors.   [BS 1171.3 .T493 2008]

Bible. O.T. Isaiah Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Genesis, Isaiah, and Psalms : a festschrift to honour Professor John Emerton for his eightieth birthday / edited by Katharine Dell, Graham Davies, Yee Von Koh.   [BS 1235.52 .G475 2010]

Bible. O.T. Isaiah I-XII Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Eschatology and messianism in LXX Isaiah 1-12 / Rodrigo Franklin de Sousa.   [BS 1515.6 .M44 D4 2010]

Bible. O.T. Job Criticism, interpretation, etc.
At the scent of water : the ground of hope in the book of Job / J. Gerald Janzen.   [BS 1415.52 .J26 2009]

Bible. O.T. Job Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Deconstructing theodicy : why Job has nothing to say to the puzzled [i.e. puzzle of] suffering / David B. Burrell with A.H. Johns.   [BS 1415.52 .B87 2008]

Bible. O.T. Job Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Job : a man of heroic endurance : profiles in character / from Charles R. Swindoll.   [BS 580 .J5 S95 2004]

Bible. O.T. Joshua Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Land of Israel in Bible, history, and theology : studies in honour of Ed Noort / edited by Jacques van Ruiten and J. Cornelis de Vos.   [BS 410 .V452 v.124]

Bible. O.T. Joshua I-XI Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Conquering character : the characterization of Joshua in Joshua 1-11 / Sarah Lebhar Hall.   [BS 1295.52 .H36 2010]

Bible. O.T. Joshua I-XI Criticism, Narrative.
Conquering character : the characterization of Joshua in Joshua 1-11 / Sarah Lebhar Hall.   [BS 1295.52 .H36 2010]

Bible. O.T. Kings, 2nd, XVIII-XIX Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Invasion of Sennacherib in the book of Kings : a source-critical and rhetorical study of 2 Kings 18-19 / by Paul S. Evans.   [BS 410 .V452 v.125]

Bible. O.T. Kings, 2nd, XVIII-XIX History of Biblical events.
Invasion of Sennacherib in the book of Kings : a source-critical and rhetorical study of 2 Kings 18-19 / by Paul S. Evans.   [BS 410 .V452 v.125]

Bible. O.T. Prophets Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Aesthetics of violence in the Prophets / edited by Julia M. O'Brien and Chris Franke.   [BS 1505.6 .V56 A378 2010]

Bible. O.T. Psalms Commentaries.
Exposition of the Book of Psalms : set forth as prophetic of Christ & His church / by Samuel Eyles Pierce.   [BS 1430 .P547 2009 v.1]

Bible. O.T. Psalms Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Genesis, Isaiah, and Psalms : a festschrift to honour Professor John Emerton for his eightieth birthday / edited by Katharine Dell, Graham Davies, Yee Von Koh.   [BS 1235.52 .G475 2010]

Bible. O.T. Samuel Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Archaeology of the books of Samuel : the entangling of the textual and literary history / edited by Philippe Hugo and Adrian Schenker.   [BS 410 .V452 v.132]

Bible. O.T. Samuel Criticism, Narrative.
Untamable texts : literary studies and narrative theory in the books of Samuel / Greger Andersson.   [BS 1325.52 .A53 2009]

Bible. O.T. Samuel Criticism, Textual.
Archaeology of the books of Samuel : the entangling of the textual and literary history / edited by Philippe Hugo and Adrian Schenker.   [BS 410 .V452 v.132]

Bible. O.T. Samuel, 2nd, VIII, 15-XX, 26 Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Fate of justice and righteousness during David's reign : rereading the court history and its ethics according to 2 Samuel 8:15-20:26 / Richard G. Smith.   [BS 1325.6 .J8 S658 2009]

Bible. O.T. Samuel. Greek Versions Septuagint.
Archaeology of the books of Samuel : the entangling of the textual and literary history / edited by Philippe Hugo and Adrian Schenker.   [BS 410 .V452 v.132]

Bible. O.T. Samuel. Hebrew Versions Dead Sea scrolls (4QSama¿¿)
Archaeology of the books of Samuel : the entangling of the textual and literary history / edited by Philippe Hugo and Adrian Schenker.   [BS 410 .V452 v.132]

Bible. O.T. Translating.
Finding meaning in the text : translation technique and theology in the Septuagint of Amos / by W. Edward Glenny.   [BS 410 .V452 v.126]

Bible. O.T. Zechariah Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Behold your king : the hope for the house of David in the book of Zechariah / Anthony R. Petterson.   [BS 1665.52 .P48 2009]

Black theology.
Africana Bible : reading Israel's Scriptures from Africa and the African diaspora / Hugh R. Page, Jr., general editor ; Randall C. Bailey ... [et al.], associate editors.   [BS 1171.3 .A37 2009]

Black theology.
Decline of African American theology : from biblical faith to cultural captivity / Thabiti M. Anyabwile.   [BT 82.7 .A59 2007]

Blues (Music) History and criticism.
Getting the blues : what blues music teaches us about suffering and salvation / Stephen J. Nichols.   [ML 3921.8 .B68 N53 2008]

Blues (Music) Religious aspects.
Getting the blues : what blues music teaches us about suffering and salvation / Stephen J. Nichols.   [ML 3921.8 .B68 N53 2008]

Capital punishment United States.
Jesus on death row : the trial of Jesus and American capital punishment / Mark William Osler.   [BT 440 .O85 2009]

Caregivers Religious life.
No act of love is ever wasted : the spirituality of caring for persons with dementia / Jane Marie Thibault and Richard L. Morgan.   [BV 4910.9 .T45 2009]

Caring Religious aspects Christianity.
No act of love is ever wasted : the spirituality of caring for persons with dementia / Jane Marie Thibault and Richard L. Morgan.   [BV 4910.9 .T45 2009]

Catholic Church Doctrines.
Crossing the threshold of hope / by John Paul II ; edited by Vittorio Messori ; [translated from the Italian by Jenny McPhee and Martha McPhee].   [BJ 1249 .J65 1994]

Catholic Church Doctrines.
Philosophy of Jesus / by Peter Kreeft.   [BS 2415 .K695 2007]

Catholic Church Missions United States.
Fathers on the frontier : French missionaries and the Roman Catholic priesthood in the United States, 1789-1870 / Michael Pasquier.   [BV 2766 .C5 P37 2009]

Catholic Church United States History.
Fathers on the frontier : French missionaries and the Roman Catholic priesthood in the United States, 1789-1870 / Michael Pasquier.   [BV 2766 .C5 P37 2009]

Child rearing Religious aspects Christianity.
Parenting the way God parents : refusing to recycle your parents' mistakes / Katherine Koonce.   [BV 4529 .K67 2006]

Christian ethics.
Happiness and the Christian moral life : an introduction to Christian ethics / Paul J. Wadell.   [BJ 1251 .W2155 2008]

Christian life
Greatest counselor in the world : a fresh, new look at the Holy Spirit / Lloyd Ogilvie.   [BV 4501.2 .O3292 1994]

Christian life Catholic authors.
In the shadow of Your wings : new readings of great texts from the Bible / Norbert Lohfink ; translated by Linda M. Maloney.   [BS 511.3 .L6413 2003]

Christian life.
Gospel-driven life : being good news people in a bad news world / Michael Horton.   [BV 4501.3 .H677 2009]

Christian life.
Happiness and the Christian moral life : an introduction to Christian ethics / Paul J. Wadell.   [BJ 1251 .W2155 2008]

Christian life.
I told me so : self-deception and the Christian life / Gregg A. Ten Elshof.   [BV 4627 .F3 T46 2009]

Christianity 21st century.
Devil reads Derrida : and other essays on the university, the church, politics, and the arts / James K.A. Smith.   [BR 50 .S653 2009]

Christianity and culture.
Christ and culture revisited / D.A. Carson.   [BR 115 .C8 C333 2008]

Christianity and culture.
Desiring the kingdom : worship, worldview, and cultural formation / James K.A. Smith.   [BV 178 .S63 2009]

Christianity and culture.
Devil reads Derrida : and other essays on the university, the church, politics, and the arts / James K.A. Smith.   [BR 50 .S653 2009]

Christianity and other religions Islam.
Dialogue and difference : clarity in Christian-Muslim relations / Christian W. Troll ; translated by David Marshall.   [BP 172 .T76713 2009]

Christianity and other religions Judaism.
Former Jew : Paul and the dialectics of race / Love L. Sechrest.   [BS 2650.52 .S434 2009]

Christianity and other religions.
Changing the way seminaries teach : pedagogies for interfaith dialogue / edited by David A. Roozen, Heidi Hadsell.   [BV 4022 .R66 C52 2009]

Christianity and politics.
Devil reads Derrida : and other essays on the university, the church, politics, and the arts / James K.A. Smith.   [BR 50 .S653 2009]

Christianity and politics.
Politics of discipleship : becoming postmaterial citizens / Graham Ward.   [BR 115 .P7 W35 2009]

Christianity India.
India and the Indianness of Christianity : essays on understanding-- historical, theological, and bibliographical--in honor of Robert Eric Frykenberg / edited by Richard Fox Young.   [BV 3265.3 .I525 2009]

Christianity Philosophy.
Desiring the kingdom : worship, worldview, and cultural formation / James K.A. Smith.   [BV 178 .S63 2009]

Christianity Philosophy.
Philosophy of Jesus / by Peter Kreeft.   [BS 2415 .K695 2007]

Church and the world.
Politics of discipleship : becoming postmaterial citizens / Graham Ward.   [BR 115 .P7 W35 2009]

Church group work.
Growing people through small groups / David Stark, Betty Veldman Wieland.   [BV 652.2 .S73 2004]

Church history 21st century.
Next evangelicalism : releasing the church from Western cultural captivity / Soong-Chan Rah.   [BR 1640 .R34 2009]

Church history.
Brief history of Christianity / Carter Lindberg.   [BR 145.3 .L56 2006]

Church work with alcoholics.
Pastoral care of alcohol abusers / Andrew J. Weaver and Harold G. Koenig.   [BV 4460.5 .K64 2009]

Church work with immigrants United States.
Welcoming the stranger : justice, compassion & truth in the immigration debate / Matthew Soerens & Jenny Hwang ; foreword by Leith Anderson.   [BV 639 .I4 S554 2009]

Church work with the sick.
Making your church a house of healing / Michael Gemignani ; foreword by Keith Miller.   [BT 732.5 .G46 2008]

Deep church : a third way beyond emerging and traditional / Jim Belcher ; foreword by Richard J. Mouw.   [BV 600.3 .B45 2009]

Civilization, Assyro-Babylonian.
Eau, enjeux politiques et the¿¿ologiques, de Sumer a¿¿ la Bible / par Ste¿¿phanie Anthonioz.   [BS 410 .V452 v.131]

Civilization, Assyro-Babylonian.
Homeland and exile : biblical and ancient Near Eastern studies in honour of Bustenay Oded / edited by Gershon Galil, Mark Geller and Alan Millard.   [BS 410 .V452 v.130]

Common lectionary (1992)
Feasting on the Word : preaching the revised common lectionary / David L. Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor, general editors.   [BV 4235 .L43 F43 2008 Yr.C v.1]

Common lectionary (1992)
Feasting on the Word : preaching the revised common lectionary / David L. Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor, general editors.   [BV 4235 .L43 F43 2008 Yr.C v.2]

Common lectionary (1992)
Feasting on the Word : preaching the revised common lectionary / David L. Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor, general editors.   [BV 4235 .L43 F43 2008 Yr.C v.4]

Communication in community development.
When people care enough to act : ABCD in action / Mike Green with Henry Moore & John O'Brien ; foreword by John L. McKnight ; reflections by Dan Duncan ... [et al.].   [HN 49 .C6 G744 2006]

Community development.
When people care enough to act : ABCD in action / Mike Green with Henry Moore & John O'Brien ; foreword by John L. McKnight ; reflections by Dan Duncan ... [et al.].   [HN 49 .C6 G744 2006]

Community organization Citizen participation.
When people care enough to act : ABCD in action / Mike Green with Henry Moore & John O'Brien ; foreword by John L. McKnight ; reflections by Dan Duncan ... [et al.].   [HN 49 .C6 G744 2006]

Don't take my grief away from me : how to walk through grief and learn to live again / by Doug Manning.   [BF 575 .G7 M366 2005]

Choosing to love the world : on contemplation / edited by Jonathan Montaldo.   [BX 2350.65 .M46 2008]

Crittenden, Lindsey, 1961-
Water will hold you : a skeptic learns to pray / Lindsey Crittenden.   [BR 1725 .C745 A3 2007]

Cuneiform inscriptions.
Eau, enjeux politiques et the¿¿ologiques, de Sumer a¿¿ la Bible / par Ste¿¿phanie Anthonioz.   [BS 410 .V452 v.131]

Davidman, Joy Correspondence.
Out of my bone : the letters of Joy Davidman / edited and introduced by Don W. King.   [PS 3507 .A6659 Z48 2009]

Death Moral and ethical aspects.
Ending life : ethics and the way we die / Margaret Pabst Battin.   [R 726 .B329 2005]

Death Social aspects United States.
High cost of dying : a guide to funeral planning / Gregory W. Young.   [HQ 1073.5 .U6 Y68 1994]

Decision making Religious aspects Christianity.
Joy in divine wisdom : practices of discernment from other cultures and Christian traditions / Marva J. Dawn.   [BV 4509.5 .D295 2006]

Eau, enjeux politiques et the¿¿ologiques, de Sumer a¿¿ la Bible / par Ste¿¿phanie Anthonioz.   [BS 410 .V452 v.131]

No act of love is ever wasted : the spirituality of caring for persons with dementia / Jane Marie Thibault and Richard L. Morgan.   [BV 4910.9 .T45 2009]

Depressed persons United States Biography.
Remembering Garrett : one family's battle with a child's depression / Gordon H. Smith ; [introduction by Edward Kennedy and Orrin Hatch].   [HV 6546 .S565 2006]

Depression in adolescence Popular works.
Rescuing your teenager from depression / Norman T. Berlinger.   [RJ 506 .D4 B476 2005]

Depression in adolescence United States Case studies.
Remembering Garrett : one family's battle with a child's depression / Gordon H. Smith ; [introduction by Edward Kennedy and Orrin Hatch].   [HV 6546 .S565 2006]

Depression in children Popular works.
Raising a moody child : how to cope with depression and bipolar disorder / Mary A. Fristad, Jill S. Goldberg Arnold.   [RJ 506 .D4 F755 2004]

Depression in children United States Case studies.
Remembering Garrett : one family's battle with a child's depression / Gordon H. Smith ; [introduction by Edward Kennedy and Orrin Hatch].   [HV 6546 .S565 2006]

Depression, Mental Religious aspects.
God of the low places : finding God in depression / by Karen Maximin.   [BV 4461 .M395 2004]

Devotional calendars.
Streams in the desert / Mrs. Charles E. Cowman.   [BV 4810 .C696 1965 v.2]

Dialectical behavior therapy Problems, exercises, etc.
Dialectical behavior therapy skills workbook : practical DBT exercises for learning mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation & distress tolerance / Matthew McKay, Jeffrey C. Wood, Jeffrey Brantley.   [RC 489 .B4 D52 2007]

Dio, Chrysostom. Speeches.
Politics of peace : Ephesians, Dio Chrysostom, and the Confucian Four books / by Te-Li Lau.   [BS 2695.6 .P5 L38 2010]

Discernment (Christian theology)
Joy in divine wisdom : practices of discernment from other cultures and Christian traditions / Marva J. Dawn.   [BV 4509.5 .D295 2006]

Divine office.
In constant prayer / Robert Benson.   [BV 215 .B423 2008]

Holy ground : a gathering of voices on caring for creation / edited by Lyndsay Moseley and the staff of Sierra Club Books ; foreword by Carl Pope.   [BL 65 .N35 H65 2008]

Education Philosophy Congresses.
Beauty for truth's sake : the re-enchantment of education / Stratford Caldecott.   [LB 14.7 .C34 2009]

Education, Humanistic Congresses.
Beauty for truth's sake : the re-enchantment of education / Stratford Caldecott.   [LB 14.7 .C34 2009]

Epictetus Knowledge Law.
Paul and Epictetus on law : a comparison / Niko Huttunen.   [BS 2655 .L35 H888 2009]

Eschatology Biblical teaching.
Eschatology and messianism in LXX Isaiah 1-12 / Rodrigo Franklin de Sousa.   [BS 1515.6 .M44 D4 2010]

Ethics in the Bible.
Fate of justice and righteousness during David's reign : rereading the court history and its ethics according to 2 Samuel 8:15-20:26 / Richard G. Smith.   [BS 1325.6 .J8 S658 2009]

Ethnicity in the Bible.
Cognitive perspectives on Israelite identity / Dermot Anthony Nestor.   [BS 1199 .E84 N47 2010]

Cognitive perspectives on Israelite identity / Dermot Anthony Nestor.   [BS 1199 .E84 N47 2010]

Euthanasia Moral and ethical aspects.
Ending life : ethics and the way we die / Margaret Pabst Battin.   [R 726 .B329 2005]

To die well : your right to comfort, calm, and choice in the last days of life / Sidney H. Wander, MD with Joseph Glenmullen, MD.   [R 726 .W369 2008]

Evangelicalism History 21st century.
Next evangelicalism : releasing the church from Western cultural captivity / Soong-Chan Rah.   [BR 1640 .R34 2009]

Evangelicalism United States History 21st century.
Jesus girls : true tales of growing up female and evangelical / edited by Hannah Faith Notess.   [BR 1643 .A1 N684 2009]

Gospel-driven life : being good news people in a bad news world / Michael Horton.   [BV 4501.3 .H677 2009]

Image and glory of God : 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 as a case study in Bible, gender and hermeneutics / Michael J. Lakey.   [BS 2675.52 .L354 2010]

Smell of sawdust : what evangelicals can learn from their fundamentalist heritage / Richard J. Mouw.   [BR 1640 .M68 2000]

Families Biblical teaching.
Flawed families of the Bible : how God's grace works through imperfect relationships / David E. Garland and Diana R. Garland.   [BS 1199 .F32 G37 2007]

Farrer, Austin, 1904-1968.
Poetic discontent : Austin Farrer and the Gospel of Mark / Robert Titley.   [BX 5199 .F29 T585 2010]

Farrer, Austin, 1904-1968. Glass of vision.
Poetic discontent : Austin Farrer and the Gospel of Mark / Robert Titley.   [BX 5199 .F29 T585 2010]

Farrer, Austin, 1904-1968. Study in St. Mark.
Poetic discontent : Austin Farrer and the Gospel of Mark / Robert Titley.   [BX 5199 .F29 T585 2010]

Francis, of Assisi, Saint, 1182-1226.
Conversations with St Francis / James C. Howell.   [BX 4700 .F6 H694 2008]

French United States.
Fathers on the frontier : French missionaries and the Roman Catholic priesthood in the United States, 1789-1870 / Michael Pasquier.   [BV 2766 .C5 P37 2009]

Smell of sawdust : what evangelicals can learn from their fundamentalist heritage / Richard J. Mouw.   [BR 1640 .M68 2000]

Funeral rites and ceremonies United States Planning.
High cost of dying : a guide to funeral planning / Gregory W. Young.   [HQ 1073.5 .U6 Y68 1994]

Germans Australia Victoria History 19th century.
German Moravian missionaries in the British colony of Victoria, Australia, 1848-1908 : influential strangers / by Felicity Jensz.   [BV 3660 .V5 J46 2010]

Girls' schools Afghanistan.
Three cups of tea : one man's mission to fight terrorism and build nations-- one school at a time / Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin.   [LC 2330 .M67 2006]

Girls' schools Pakistan.
Three cups of tea : one man's mission to fight terrorism and build nations-- one school at a time / Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin.   [LC 2330 .M67 2006]

Global warming Religious aspects Christianity.
New climate for theology : God, the world, and global warming / Sallie McFague.   [BR 115 .G58 M34 2008]

Good and evil History.
Problem of evil in the Western tradition : from the Book of Job to modern genetics / Joseph F. Kelly.   [BJ 1401 .K44 2002]

Good and evil.
Can God be trusted? : faith and the challenge of evil / John G. Stackhouse, Jr.   [BT 160 .S82 2009]

Grace (Theology)
Sin and grace in Christian counseling : an integrative paradigm / Mark R. McMinn.   [BV 4012.2 .M266 2008]

Grace (Theology)
Sin boldly : a field guide for grace / Cathleen Falsani.   [BT 761.3 .F35 2008]

Great Britain History 1714-1837.
Amazing Grace : William Wilberforce and the heroic campaign to end slavery / Eric Metaxas.   [HT 1029 .W6 M48 2008]

Great Britain Politics and government.
Amazing Grace : William Wilberforce and the heroic campaign to end slavery / Eric Metaxas.   [HT 1029 .W6 M48 2008]

Greek language Verb.
Septuagint's translation of the Hebrew verbal system in Chronicles / by Roger Good.   [BS 1344 .G7 G66 2009]

Don't take my grief away from me : how to walk through grief and learn to live again / by Doug Manning.   [BF 575 .G7 M366 2005]

Group identity.
Cognitive perspectives on Israelite identity / Dermot Anthony Nestor.   [BS 1199 .E84 N47 2010]

Happiness Religious aspects Christianity.
Happiness and the Christian moral life : an introduction to Christian ethics / Paul J. Wadell.   [BJ 1251 .W2155 2008]

Hebrew language Semantics Congresses.
Congress volume : Ljubljana, 2007 / edited by Andre¿¿ Lemaire.   [BS 410 .V452 v.133]

Hebrew language Transliteration into English.
Transformation of biblical proper names / Joz¿¿e Kras¿¿ovec.   [BS 1199 .N2 K737 2010]

Hebrew language Transliteration into Greek.
Transformation of biblical proper names / Joz¿¿e Kras¿¿ovec.   [BS 1199 .N2 K737 2010]

Hebrew language Transliteration into Latin.
Transformation of biblical proper names / Joz¿¿e Kras¿¿ovec.   [BS 1199 .N2 K737 2010]

Hebrew language Verb.
Septuagint's translation of the Hebrew verbal system in Chronicles / by Roger Good.   [BS 1344 .G7 G66 2009]

Holy Spirit Biblical teaching.
Message of the Holy Spirit : the spirit of encounter / Keith Warrington.   [BS 680 .H56 W37 2009]

Holy Spirit.
Greatest counselor in the world : a fresh, new look at the Holy Spirit / Lloyd Ogilvie.   [BV 4501.2 .O3292 1994]

Homosexuality Religious aspects Christianity.
Love is an orientation : elevating the conversation with the gay community / Andrew Marin ; foreword by Brian McLaren.   [BR 115 .H6 M355 2009]

Hope Religious aspects Catholic Church.
Scarred by struggle, transformed by hope / Joan D. Chittister.   [BX 2373 .S5 C49 2005]

Human ecology Religious aspects.
Holy ground : a gathering of voices on caring for creation / edited by Lyndsay Moseley and the staff of Sierra Club Books ; foreword by Carl Pope.   [BL 65 .N35 H65 2008]

Humanitarian assistance, American Afghanistan.
Three cups of tea : one man's mission to fight terrorism and build nations-- one school at a time / Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin.   [LC 2330 .M67 2006]

Humanitarian assistance, American Pakistan.
Three cups of tea : one man's mission to fight terrorism and build nations-- one school at a time / Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin.   [LC 2330 .M67 2006]

Humility Religious aspects Christianity.
Humility / Andrew Murray.   [BV 4647 .H8 M87 2001]

Identity (Philosophical concept)
Cognitive perspectives on Israelite identity / Dermot Anthony Nestor.   [BS 1199 .E84 N47 2010]

Iraq Civilization To 634.
Eau, enjeux politiques et the¿¿ologiques, de Sumer a¿¿ la Bible / par Ste¿¿phanie Anthonioz.   [BS 410 .V452 v.131]

Iraq War, 2003.
Terrorism and the war in Iraq : a Christian word from Latin America / C. Rene¿¿ Padilla and Lindy Scott.   [U 22 .P335 2004]

Islam Relations Christianity.
Dialogue and difference : clarity in Christian-Muslim relations / Christian W. Troll ; translated by David Marshall.   [BP 172 .T76713 2009]

James Ossuary.
Resurrecting the brother of Jesus : the James Ossuary controversy and the quest for religious relics / edited by Ryan Byrne & Bernadette McNary-Zak.   [BS 2454 .J3 R47 2009]

James, Brother of the Lord, Saint.
Resurrecting the brother of Jesus : the James Ossuary controversy and the quest for religious relics / edited by Ryan Byrne & Bernadette McNary-Zak.   [BS 2454 .J3 R47 2009]

Jerusalem History Siege, 701 B.C.
Invasion of Sennacherib in the book of Kings : a source-critical and rhetorical study of 2 Kings 18-19 / by Paul S. Evans.   [BS 410 .V452 v.125]

Jesus Christ Art.
Faces of Jesus : a life story / by Frederick Buechner.   [BT 203 .B87 2005]

Jesus Christ Ascension.
Geography and the Ascension narrative in Acts / Matthew Sleeman.   [BS 2625.6 .S59 S54 2009]

Jesus Christ Biography History and criticism.
Gospeled lives : encounters with Jesus : a Lenten study / John Indermark.   [BT 301.3 .I53 2008]

Jesus Christ Biography Sources Evaluation.
Structuring early Christian memory : Jesus in tradition, performance and text / Rafael Rodriguez.   [BT 303.2 .R637 2010]

Jesus Christ Congresses.
Torah in the New Testament : papers delivered at the Manchester-Lausanne Seminar of June 2008 / edited by Michael Tait and Peter Oakes.   [BS 2545 .L34 T673 2009]

Jesus Christ Crucifixion.
Jesus on death row : the trial of Jesus and American capital punishment / Mark William Osler.   [BT 440 .O85 2009]

Jesus Christ Historicity
Marginal Jew : rethinking the historical Jesus / John P. Meier.   [BT 303.2 .M465 1991 v.4]

Jesus Christ Historicity.
Structuring early Christian memory : Jesus in tradition, performance and text / Rafael Rodriguez.   [BT 303.2 .R637 2010]

Jesus Christ Jewishness
Marginal Jew : rethinking the historical Jesus / John P. Meier.   [BT 303.2 .M465 1991 v.4]

Jesus Christ Jewishness Congresses.
Torah in the New Testament : papers delivered at the Manchester-Lausanne Seminar of June 2008 / edited by Michael Tait and Peter Oakes.   [BS 2545 .L34 T673 2009]

Jesus Christ Parables.
Stories with intent : a comprehensive guide to the parables of Jesus / Klyne Snodgrass.   [BT 375.3 .S66 2008]

Jesus Christ Person and offices.
Philosophy of Jesus / by Peter Kreeft.   [BS 2415 .K695 2007]

Jesus Christ Teachings.
Philosophy of Jesus / by Peter Kreeft.   [BS 2415 .K695 2007]

Jesus Christ Trial.
Jesus on death row : the trial of Jesus and American capital punishment / Mark William Osler.   [BT 440 .O85 2009]

Jesus Christ.
Jesus and Paul : global perspectives in honor of James D.G. Dunn for his 70th birthday / edited by B.J. Oropeza, C.K. Robertson and Douglas C. Mohrmann ; with forewords by Richard B. Hays, N.T. Wright.   [BS 2650.5 .J478 2009]

Jewish law Congresses.
Torah in the New Testament : papers delivered at the Manchester-Lausanne Seminar of June 2008 / edited by Michael Tait and Peter Oakes.   [BS 2545 .L34 T673 2009]

Jewish law.
Paul and Epictetus on law : a comparison / Niko Huttunen.   [BS 2655 .L35 H888 2009]

Jews Civilization To 70 A.D.
Homeland and exile : biblical and ancient Near Eastern studies in honour of Bustenay Oded / edited by Gershon Galil, Mark Geller and Alan Millard.   [BS 410 .V452 v.130]

Jews History Babylonian captivity, 598-515 B.C.
Homeland and exile : biblical and ancient Near Eastern studies in honour of Bustenay Oded / edited by Gershon Galil, Mark Geller and Alan Millard.   [BS 410 .V452 v.130]

Jews History To 70 A.D.
History of ancient Israel and Judah / J. Maxwell Miller, John H. Hayes.   [DS 117 .M54 2006]

Jews History To 70 A.D.
Homeland and exile : biblical and ancient Near Eastern studies in honour of Bustenay Oded / edited by Gershon Galil, Mark Geller and Alan Millard.   [BS 410 .V452 v.130]

Jews Identity.
Cognitive perspectives on Israelite identity / Dermot Anthony Nestor.   [BS 1199 .E84 N47 2010]

Job (Biblical figure)
Job : a man of heroic endurance : profiles in character / from Charles R. Swindoll.   [BS 580 .J5 S95 2004]

John Paul II, Pope, 1920-2005 Interviews.
Crossing the threshold of hope / by John Paul II ; edited by Vittorio Messori ; [translated from the Italian by Jenny McPhee and Martha McPhee].   [BJ 1249 .J65 1994]

Josephus, Flavius Knowledge Samaritans.
Origin of the Samaritans / by Magnar Kartveit.   [BS 410 .V452 v.128]

Joshua (Biblical figure)
Conquering character : the characterization of Joshua in Joshua 1-11 / Sarah Lebhar Hall.   [BS 1295.52 .H36 2010]

Judaism Doctrines History Sources.
Early Judaism : texts and documents on faith and piety / [edited with commentary by] George W.E. Nickelsburg and Michael E. Stone.   [BM 176 .F34 2009]

Judaism History Post-exilic period, 586 B.C-210 A.D. Sources.
Early Judaism : texts and documents on faith and piety / [edited with commentary by] George W.E. Nickelsburg and Michael E. Stone.   [BM 176 .F34 2009]

Judaism Relations Christianity.
Former Jew : Paul and the dialectics of race / Love L. Sechrest.   [BS 2650.52 .S434 2009]

Justice Biblical teaching.
Fate of justice and righteousness during David's reign : rereading the court history and its ethics according to 2 Samuel 8:15-20:26 / Richard G. Smith.   [BS 1325.6 .J8 S658 2009]

Justification (Christian theology) Biblical teaching.
Deliverance of God : an apocalyptic rereading of justification in Paul / Douglas A. Campbell.   [BS 2655 .J8 C36 2009]

Land tenure Biblical teaching.
Land of Israel in Bible, history, and theology : studies in honour of Ed Noort / edited by Jacques van Ruiten and J. Cornelis de Vos.   [BS 410 .V452 v.124]

Law (Theology) Congresses.
Torah in the New Testament : papers delivered at the Manchester-Lausanne Seminar of June 2008 / edited by Michael Tait and Peter Oakes.   [BS 2545 .L34 T673 2009]

Law Philosophy.
Paul and Epictetus on law : a comparison / Niko Huttunen.   [BS 2655 .L35 H888 2009]

Lectionary preaching.
Feasting on the Word : preaching the revised common lectionary / David L. Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor, general editors.   [BV 4235 .L43 F43 2008 Yr.C v.1]

Lectionary preaching.
Feasting on the Word : preaching the revised common lectionary / David L. Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor, general editors.   [BV 4235 .L43 F43 2008 Yr.C v.2]

Lectionary preaching.
Feasting on the Word : preaching the revised common lectionary / David L. Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor, general editors.   [BV 4235 .L43 F43 2008 Yr.C v.4]

Liberation theology.
Bible and the hermeneutics of liberation / edited by Alejandro F. Botta and Pablo R. Andin¿¿ach.   [BT 83.57 .B53 2009]

Liberty Biblical teaching.
Bible and the hermeneutics of liberation / edited by Alejandro F. Botta and Pablo R. Andin¿¿ach.   [BT 83.57 .B53 2009]

Life and death, Power over Decision making.
To die well : your right to comfort, calm, and choice in the last days of life / Sidney H. Wander, MD with Joseph Glenmullen, MD.   [R 726 .W369 2008]

Life and death, Power over Moral and ethical aspects.
To die well : your right to comfort, calm, and choice in the last days of life / Sidney H. Wander, MD with Joseph Glenmullen, MD.   [R 726 .W369 2008]

Linguistic analysis (Linguistics) Congresses.
Congress volume : Ljubljana, 2007 / edited by Andre¿¿ Lemaire.   [BS 410 .V452 v.133]

Liturgical adaptation.
Desiring the kingdom : worship, worldview, and cultural formation / James K.A. Smith.   [BV 178 .S63 2009]

Desiring the kingdom : worship, worldview, and cultural formation / James K.A. Smith.   [BV 178 .S63 2009]

Living wills.
To die well : your right to comfort, calm, and choice in the last days of life / Sidney H. Wander, MD with Joseph Glenmullen, MD.   [R 726 .W369 2008]

Love Religious aspects Christianity.
Love is an orientation : elevating the conversation with the gay community / Andrew Marin ; foreword by Brian McLaren.   [BR 115 .H6 M355 2009]

Manic-depressive illness in children Popular works.
Raising a moody child : how to cope with depression and bipolar disorder / Mary A. Fristad, Jill S. Goldberg Arnold.   [RJ 506 .D4 F755 2004]

Masculinity Religious aspects.
From wild man to wise man : reflections on male spirituality / Richard Rohr ; with original input from Joseph Martos from The wild man's journey.   [BX 2352.5 .R64 2005]

Mass media in religion.
In a new light : spirituality and the media arts / Ron Austin.   [BL 638 .A97 2007]

Meaning (Philosophy) Religious aspects.
Life of meaning : reflections on faith, doubt, and repairing the world / Bob Abernethy and William Bole ; and the contributors to PBS's Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly ; foreword by Tom Brokaw.   [BL 624 .A245 2007]

Choosing to love the world : on contemplation / edited by Jonathan Montaldo.   [BX 2350.65 .M46 2008]

Men (Christian theology)
From wild man to wise man : reflections on male spirituality / Richard Rohr ; with original input from Joseph Martos from The wild man's journey.   [BX 2352.5 .R64 2005]

Men (Christian theology)
Image and glory of God : 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 as a case study in Bible, gender and hermeneutics / Michael J. Lakey.   [BS 2675.52 .L354 2010]

Men Psychology.
From wild man to wise man : reflections on male spirituality / Richard Rohr ; with original input from Joseph Martos from The wild man's journey.   [BX 2352.5 .R64 2005]

Men Religious life.
From wild man to wise man : reflections on male spirituality / Richard Rohr ; with original input from Joseph Martos from The wild man's journey.   [BX 2352.5 .R64 2005]

Mental health counseling Religious aspects.
Spiritual strategy for counseling and psychotherapy / P. Scott Richards and Allen E. Bergin.   [RC 489 .R46 R53 1997]

Mental health Religious aspects.
God of the low places : finding God in depression / by Karen Maximin.   [BV 4461 .M395 2004]

Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968.
Soul searching : the journey of Thomas Merton / edited by Morgan C. Atkinson, with Jonathan Montaldo.   [BX 4705 .M542 S68 2008 pt.1]

Messiah Biblical teaching.
Encyclopedia of messianic candidates & movements in Judaism, Samaritanism, and Islam / Eugene J. Mayhew.   [BM 615 .M394 2009]

Messiah Biblical teaching.
Eschatology and messianism in LXX Isaiah 1-12 / Rodrigo Franklin de Sousa.   [BS 1515.6 .M44 D4 2010]

Messiah Judaism.
Encyclopedia of messianic candidates & movements in Judaism, Samaritanism, and Islam / Eugene J. Mayhew.   [BM 615 .M394 2009]

Methodist Church Doctrines.
Pain, passion and faith : revisiting the place of Charles Wesley in early Methodism / Joanna Cruickshank.   [BT 732.7 .C78 2009]

Methodist Church Hymns History and criticism.
Pain, passion and faith : revisiting the place of Charles Wesley in early Methodism / Joanna Cruickshank.   [BT 732.7 .C78 2009]

Middle East Civilization To 622.
Homeland and exile : biblical and ancient Near Eastern studies in honour of Bustenay Oded / edited by Gershon Galil, Mark Geller and Alan Millard.   [BS 410 .V452 v.130]

Missionaries United States Biography.
Fathers on the frontier : French missionaries and the Roman Catholic priesthood in the United States, 1789-1870 / Michael Pasquier.   [BV 2766 .C5 P37 2009]

Missions India.
India and the Indianness of Christianity : essays on understanding-- historical, theological, and bibliographical--in honor of Robert Eric Frykenberg / edited by Richard Fox Young.   [BV 3265.3 .I525 2009]

Missions United States History.
Fathers on the frontier : French missionaries and the Roman Catholic priesthood in the United States, 1789-1870 / Michael Pasquier.   [BV 2766 .C5 P37 2009]

Missions, German Australia Victoria History 19th century.
German Moravian missionaries in the British colony of Victoria, Australia, 1848-1908 : influential strangers / by Felicity Jensz.   [BV 3660 .V5 J46 2010]

Monastic and religious life.
Clowning in Rome : reflections on solitude, celibacy, prayer, and contemplation / Henri J.M. Nouwen ; foreword by Sue Mosteller.   [BX 2350.2 .N67 2000]

Monastic and religious life.
Finding sanctuary : monastic steps for everyday life / Christopher Jamison.   [BV 4501.3 .J364 2006]

Monastic and religious life.
Monastic vision for the 21st century : where do we go from here? / edited by Patrick Hart ; introduction by Bernardo Olivera.   [BX 2435 .M587 2006]

Monks United States Biography.
Soul searching : the journey of Thomas Merton / edited by Morgan C. Atkinson, with Jonathan Montaldo.   [BX 4705 .M542 S68 2008 pt.1]

Moravian Church Missions Australia Victoria History 19th century.
German Moravian missionaries in the British colony of Victoria, Australia, 1848-1908 : influential strangers / by Felicity Jensz.   [BV 3660 .V5 J46 2010]

Mortenson, Greg.
Three cups of tea : one man's mission to fight terrorism and build nations-- one school at a time / Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin.   [LC 2330 .M67 2006]

Motion pictures Religious aspects.
In a new light : spirituality and the media arts / Ron Austin.   [BL 638 .A97 2007]

Mouw, Richard J.
Smell of sawdust : what evangelicals can learn from their fundamentalist heritage / Richard J. Mouw.   [BR 1640 .M68 2000]

Myth in the Old Testament.
Bible among the myths : unique revelation or just ancient literature? / John N. Oswalt.   [BS 1183 .O85 2009]

Names in the Bible Congresses.
Congress volume : Ljubljana, 2007 / edited by Andre¿¿ Lemaire.   [BS 410 .V452 v.133]

Names in the Bible.
Transformation of biblical proper names / Joz¿¿e Kras¿¿ovec.   [BS 1199 .N2 K737 2010]

Narration in the Bible.
Israel's life / John Goldingay.   [BS 1182.3 .G65 2003 v.3]

Nature Religious aspects.
Holy ground : a gathering of voices on caring for creation / edited by Lyndsay Moseley and the staff of Sierra Club Books ; foreword by Carl Pope.   [BL 65 .N35 H65 2008]

Niebuhr, H. Richard (Helmut Richard), 1894-1962. Christ and culture.
Christ and culture revisited / D.A. Carson.   [BR 115 .C8 C333 2008]

Niebuhr, Helmut Richard, 1894-1962. Christ and culture.
Christ and culture revisited / D.A. Carson.   [BR 115 .C8 C333 2008]

Noort, Edward Bibliography.
Land of Israel in Bible, history, and theology : studies in honour of Ed Noort / edited by Jacques van Ruiten and J. Cornelis de Vos.   [BS 410 .V452 v.124]

Oded, Bustenay.
Homeland and exile : biblical and ancient Near Eastern studies in honour of Bustenay Oded / edited by Gershon Galil, Mark Geller and Alan Millard.   [BS 410 .V452 v.130]

Origen Early works to 1800.
Apology for Origen / St. Pamphilus. With the letter of Rufinus on the falsification of the books of Origen ; translated by Thomas P. Scheck.   [BR 65 .O68 P3613 2010]

Pain Religious aspects Christianity.
Pain, passion and faith : revisiting the place of Charles Wesley in early Methodism / Joanna Cruickshank.   [BT 732.7 .C78 2009]

Palestine in Judaism.
Land of Israel in Bible, history, and theology : studies in honour of Ed Noort / edited by Jacques van Ruiten and J. Cornelis de Vos.   [BS 410 .V452 v.124]

Palestine in the Bible.
Land of Israel in Bible, history, and theology : studies in honour of Ed Noort / edited by Jacques van Ruiten and J. Cornelis de Vos.   [BS 410 .V452 v.124]

Parent and teenager.
Rescuing your teenager from depression / Norman T. Berlinger.   [RJ 506 .D4 B476 2005]

Parenting Religious aspects Christianity.
Parenting the way God parents : refusing to recycle your parents' mistakes / Katherine Koonce.   [BV 4529 .K67 2006]

Pastoral counseling.
Pastoral care of alcohol abusers / Andrew J. Weaver and Harold G. Koenig.   [BV 4460.5 .K64 2009]

Pastoral counseling.
Sin and grace in Christian counseling : an integrative paradigm / Mark R. McMinn.   [BV 4012.2 .M266 2008]

Pastoral medicine.
Making your church a house of healing / Michael Gemignani ; foreword by Keith Miller.   [BT 732.5 .G46 2008]

Pastoral theology Fieldwork Congresses.
Equipping the saints : best practices in contextual theological education / David O. Jenkins and P. Alice Rogers, editors.   [BV 4164.5 .E68 2010]

Paul, the Apostle, Saint Knowledge Jewish law.
Paul and Epictetus on law : a comparison / Niko Huttunen.   [BS 2655 .L35 H888 2009]

Paul, the Apostle, Saint Knowledge Stoics.
Paul and Epictetus on law : a comparison / Niko Huttunen.   [BS 2655 .L35 H888 2009]

Paul, the Apostle, Saint.
Jesus and Paul : global perspectives in honor of James D.G. Dunn for his 70th birthday / edited by B.J. Oropeza, C.K. Robertson and Douglas C. Mohrmann ; with forewords by Richard B. Hays, N.T. Wright.   [BS 2650.5 .J478 2009]

Paul, the Apostle, Saint.
Rabbi Paul : an intellectual biography / Bruce Chilton.   [BS 2506.3 .C47 2004]

Peace Biblical teaching.
Politics of peace : Ephesians, Dio Chrysostom, and the Confucian Four books / by Te-Li Lau.   [BS 2695.6 .P5 L38 2010]

Philosophical theology.
Devil reads Derrida : and other essays on the university, the church, politics, and the arts / James K.A. Smith.   [BR 50 .S653 2009]

Postmodernism Religious aspects Christianity.
Politics of discipleship : becoming postmaterial citizens / Graham Ward.   [BR 115 .P7 W35 2009]

Prayer Biblical teaching.
Knocking on heaven's door : a New Testament theology of petitionary prayer / David Crump.   [BS 2545 .P67 C78 2006]

Prayer Christianity Study guides.
Prayer does it make any difference? Participant's guide : six sessions on our relationship with God / written by Stephen and Amanda Sorenson.   [BV 210.3 .Y36 2007]

Prayer Christianity.
In constant prayer / Robert Benson.   [BV 215 .B423 2008]

Prayer Christianity.
Water will hold you : a skeptic learns to pray / Lindsey Crittenden.   [BR 1725 .C745 A3 2007]

Presence of God Biblical teaching.
Dissonance and the drama of divine sovereignty in the book of Daniel / Amy C. Merrill Willis.   [BS 1556 .W46 2010]

Property Biblical teaching.
Great sermon tradition as a fiscal framework in 1 Corinthians : towards a Pauline theology of material possessions / Christopher L. Carter.   [BS 2670 .C378 2010]

Protestant churches Doctrines.
Resurrecting the brother of Jesus : the James Ossuary controversy and the quest for religious relics / edited by Ryan Byrne & Bernadette McNary-Zak.   [BS 2454 .J3 R47 2009]

Protestant women United States History 21st century.
Jesus girls : true tales of growing up female and evangelical / edited by Hannah Faith Notess.   [BR 1643 .A1 N684 2009]

Providence and government of God Biblical teaching.
Dissonance and the drama of divine sovereignty in the book of Daniel / Amy C. Merrill Willis.   [BS 1556 .W46 2010]

Psychotherapy patients Religious life.
Spiritual strategy for counseling and psychotherapy / P. Scott Richards and Allen E. Bergin.   [RC 489 .R46 R53 1997]

Psychotherapy Religious aspects.
Spiritual strategy for counseling and psychotherapy / P. Scott Richards and Allen E. Bergin.   [RC 489 .R46 R53 1997]

Race relations Religious aspects Christianity.
Heart of racial justice : how soul change leads to social change / Brenda Salter McNeil & Rick Richardson ; foreword by John M. Perkins.   [BT 734.2 .M36 2009]

Race Religious aspects Christianity.
Former Jew : Paul and the dialectics of race / Love L. Sechrest.   [BS 2650.52 .S434 2009]

Race Religious aspects Judaism.
Former Jew : Paul and the dialectics of race / Love L. Sechrest.   [BS 2650.52 .S434 2009]

Reconciliation Religious aspects Christianity.
Reconciling all things : a Christian vision for justice, peace and healing / Emmanuel Katongole & Chris Rice.   [BT 738.27 .K38 2008]

Religions Dictionaries.
Religious literacy : what every American needs to know--and doesn't / Stephen Prothero.   [BL 42.5 .U5 P76 2008]

Religions Relations.
Changing the way seminaries teach : pedagogies for interfaith dialogue / edited by David A. Roozen, Heidi Hadsell.   [BV 4022 .R66 C52 2009]

Religious education United States.
Religious literacy : what every American needs to know--and doesn't / Stephen Prothero.   [BL 42.5 .U5 P76 2008]

Religious pluralism.
Dialogue and difference : clarity in Christian-Muslim relations / Christian W. Troll ; translated by David Marshall.   [BP 172 .T76713 2009]

Right to die.
To die well : your right to comfort, calm, and choice in the last days of life / Sidney H. Wander, MD with Joseph Glenmullen, MD.   [R 726 .W369 2008]

Samaritans Doctrines.
Encyclopedia of messianic candidates & movements in Judaism, Samaritanism, and Islam / Eugene J. Mayhew.   [BM 615 .M394 2009]

Samaritans Origin.
Origin of the Samaritans / by Magnar Kartveit.   [BS 410 .V452 v.128]

Self-deception Religious aspects Christianity.
I told me so : self-deception and the Christian life / Gregg A. Ten Elshof.   [BV 4627 .F3 T46 2009]

Sennacherib, King of Assyria, d. 681 B.C.
Invasion of Sennacherib in the book of Kings : a source-critical and rhetorical study of 2 Kings 18-19 / by Paul S. Evans.   [BS 410 .V452 v.125]

Sex role Religious aspects Christianity History of doctrines 21st century.
Jesus girls : true tales of growing up female and evangelical / edited by Hannah Faith Notess.   [BR 1643 .A1 N684 2009]

Sex role Religious aspects Christianity.
Image and glory of God : 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 as a case study in Bible, gender and hermeneutics / Michael J. Lakey.   [BS 2675.52 .L354 2010]

Sex role Religious aspects Christianity.
Love is an orientation : elevating the conversation with the gay community / Andrew Marin ; foreword by Brian McLaren.   [BR 115 .H6 M355 2009]

Si shu.
Politics of peace : Ephesians, Dio Chrysostom, and the Confucian Four books / by Te-Li Lau.   [BS 2695.6 .P5 L38 2010]

Sin Biblical teaching.
Spectacular sins : and their global purpose in the glory of Christ / John Piper.   [BS 680 .S57 P57 2008]

Sin Christianity.
Sin and grace in Christian counseling : an integrative paradigm / Mark R. McMinn.   [BV 4012.2 .M266 2008]

Sin Christianity.
Spectacular sins : and their global purpose in the glory of Christ / John Piper.   [BS 680 .S57 P57 2008]

Small groups Religious aspects Christianity.
Growing people through small groups / David Stark, Betty Veldman Wieland.   [BV 652.2 .S73 2004]

Smith, Garrett Lee, 1981-2003.
Remembering Garrett : one family's battle with a child's depression / Gordon H. Smith ; [introduction by Edward Kennedy and Orrin Hatch].   [HV 6546 .S565 2006]

Smith, Gordon H. (Gordon Harold), 1952- Family.
Remembering Garrett : one family's battle with a child's depression / Gordon H. Smith ; [introduction by Edward Kennedy and Orrin Hatch].   [HV 6546 .S565 2006]

Social entrepreneurship.
Reading Ephesians : exploring social entrepreneurship in the text / Minna Shkul.   [BS 2695.52 .S558 2009]

Call of solitude : alonetime in a world of attachment / Ester Schaler Buchholz.   [BF 637 .S64 B83 1997]

Space perception in the Bible.
Geography and the Ascension narrative in Acts / Matthew Sleeman.   [BS 2625.6 .S59 S54 2009]

Spiritual biography.
Water will hold you : a skeptic learns to pray / Lindsey Crittenden.   [BR 1725 .C745 A3 2007]

Spiritual healing.
Making your church a house of healing / Michael Gemignani ; foreword by Keith Miller.   [BT 732.5 .G46 2008]

Spiritual healing.
Water will hold you : a skeptic learns to pray / Lindsey Crittenden.   [BR 1725 .C745 A3 2007]

Spiritual life Catholic Church Papal documents.
Crossing the threshold of hope / by John Paul II ; edited by Vittorio Messori ; [translated from the Italian by Jenny McPhee and Martha McPhee].   [BJ 1249 .J65 1994]

Spiritual life Catholic Church.
Clowning in Rome : reflections on solitude, celibacy, prayer, and contemplation / Henri J.M. Nouwen ; foreword by Sue Mosteller.   [BX 2350.2 .N67 2000]

Spiritual life Catholic Church.
From wild man to wise man : reflections on male spirituality / Richard Rohr ; with original input from Joseph Martos from The wild man's journey.   [BX 2352.5 .R64 2005]

Spiritual life Christianity.
At home in the world : a rule of life for the rest of us / Margaret Guenther.   [BV 4501.3 .G84 2006]

Spiritual life Christianity.
Finding sanctuary : monastic steps for everyday life / Christopher Jamison.   [BV 4501.3 .J364 2006]

Spiritual life Christianity.
Life with God : reading the Bible for spiritual transformation / Richard J. Foster ; with Kathryn A. Helmers.   [BS 511.3 .F67 2008]

Spiritual life Christianity.
Ordinary people as monks & mystics : lifestyles for spiritual wholeness / Marsha Sinetar.   [BV 4501.3 .S5845 2007]

Spiritual life.
Water will hold you : a skeptic learns to pray / Lindsey Crittenden.   [BR 1725 .C745 A3 2007]

Spirituality Catholic Church.
Choosing to love the world : on contemplation / edited by Jonathan Montaldo.   [BX 2350.65 .M46 2008]

At home in the world : a rule of life for the rest of us / Margaret Guenther.   [BV 4501.3 .G84 2006]

Life of meaning : reflections on faith, doubt, and repairing the world / Bob Abernethy and William Bole ; and the contributors to PBS's Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly ; foreword by Tom Brokaw.   [BL 624 .A245 2007]

Spiritual strategy for counseling and psychotherapy / P. Scott Richards and Allen E. Bergin.   [RC 489 .R46 R53 1997]

Guide to the good life : the ancient art of Stoic joy / William B. Irvine.   [B 528 .I78 2009]

Paul and Epictetus on law : a comparison / Niko Huttunen.   [BS 2655 .L35 H888 2009]

Suffering Biblical teaching.
God's problem : how the Bible fails to answer our most important question--why we suffer / Bart D. Ehrman.   [BS 680 .S854 E37 2008]

Suffering Religious aspects Catholic Church.
Scarred by struggle, transformed by hope / Joan D. Chittister.   [BX 2373 .S5 C49 2005]

Suffering Religious aspects Christianity.
Growing strong at broken places / Paula Ripple.   [BT 732.7 .R56 1986]

Suffering Religious aspects Christianity.
Pain, passion and faith : revisiting the place of Charles Wesley in early Methodism / Joanna Cruickshank.   [BT 732.7 .C78 2009]

Suicide United States Case studies.
Remembering Garrett : one family's battle with a child's depression / Gordon H. Smith ; [introduction by Edward Kennedy and Orrin Hatch].   [HV 6546 .S565 2006]

Suicide United States.
Silent grief : living in the wake of suicide / Christopher Lukas and Henry M. Seiden.   [HV 6548 .U5 L85 2007]

Suicide victims Family relationships United States.
Silent grief : living in the wake of suicide / Christopher Lukas and Henry M. Seiden.   [HV 6548 .U5 L85 2007]

Suicide victims United States Biography.
Remembering Garrett : one family's battle with a child's depression / Gordon H. Smith ; [introduction by Edward Kennedy and Orrin Hatch].   [HV 6546 .S565 2006]

Sumerian literature History and criticism.
Eau, enjeux politiques et the¿¿ologiques, de Sumer a¿¿ la Bible / par Ste¿¿phanie Anthonioz.   [BS 410 .V452 v.131]

Terminal care Moral and ethical aspects.
To die well : your right to comfort, calm, and choice in the last days of life / Sidney H. Wander, MD with Joseph Glenmullen, MD.   [R 726 .W369 2008]

Theodicy Biblical teaching.
Deconstructing theodicy : why Job has nothing to say to the puzzled [i.e. puzzle of] suffering / David B. Burrell with A.H. Johns.   [BS 1415.52 .B87 2008]

Can God be trusted? : faith and the challenge of evil / John G. Stackhouse, Jr.   [BT 160 .S82 2009]

Theological seminaries Canada.
Earthen vessels : hopeful reflections on the work and future of theological schools / Daniel O. Aleshire.   [BV 4030 .A74 2008]

Theological seminaries United States.
Earthen vessels : hopeful reflections on the work and future of theological schools / Daniel O. Aleshire.   [BV 4030 .A74 2008]

Theology Africa.
Africana Bible : reading Israel's Scriptures from Africa and the African diaspora / Hugh R. Page, Jr., general editor ; Randall C. Bailey ... [et al.], associate editors.   [BS 1171.3 .A37 2009]

Theology Study and teaching Canada.
Earthen vessels : hopeful reflections on the work and future of theological schools / Daniel O. Aleshire.   [BV 4030 .A74 2008]

Theology Study and teaching United States.
Earthen vessels : hopeful reflections on the work and future of theological schools / Daniel O. Aleshire.   [BV 4030 .A74 2008]

Theology Study and teaching.
Changing the way seminaries teach : pedagogies for interfaith dialogue / edited by David A. Roozen, Heidi Hadsell.   [BV 4022 .R66 C52 2009]

Theology, Doctrinal Popular works.
New kind of Christianity : ten questions that are transforming the faith / Brian D. McLaren.   [BT 77 .M389 2010]

Theology, Doctrinal.
Glory of the Lord : a theological aesthetics / by Hans Urs von Balthasar ; translated by Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis ; edited by Joseph Fessio and John Riches.   [BT 78 .B3413 1983 v.5]

God's advocates : Christian thinkers in conversation / Rupert Shortt.   [BT 77 .S528 2005]

Transubstantiation History of doctrines Middle Ages, 600-1500.
On the body and blood of the Lord / Lanfranc of Canterbury. On the truth of the body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist / Guitmund of Aversa ; translated by Mark G. Vaillancourt.   [BX 2220 .L36 2009]

On the body and blood of the Lord / Lanfranc of Canterbury. On the truth of the body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist / Guitmund of Aversa ; translated by Mark G. Vaillancourt.   [BX 2220 .L36 2009]

Trappists United States Biography.
Soul searching : the journey of Thomas Merton / edited by Morgan C. Atkinson, with Jonathan Montaldo.   [BX 4705 .M542 S68 2008 pt.1]

Trust in God Christianity.
Can God be trusted? : faith and the challenge of evil / John G. Stackhouse, Jr.   [BT 160 .S82 2009]

United States Church history.
Decline of African American theology : from biblical faith to cultural captivity / Thabiti M. Anyabwile.   [BT 82.7 .A59 2007]

United States Church history.
Fathers on the frontier : French missionaries and the Roman Catholic priesthood in the United States, 1789-1870 / Michael Pasquier.   [BV 2766 .C5 P37 2009]

United States Emigration and immigration Religious aspects Christianity.
Welcoming the stranger : justice, compassion & truth in the immigration debate / Matthew Soerens & Jenny Hwang ; foreword by Leith Anderson.   [BV 639 .I4 S554 2009]

Victoria Church history 19th century.
German Moravian missionaries in the British colony of Victoria, Australia, 1848-1908 : influential strangers / by Felicity Jensz.   [BV 3660 .V5 J46 2010]

Violence in the Bible.
Aesthetics of violence in the Prophets / edited by Julia M. O'Brien and Chris Franke.   [BS 1505.6 .V56 A378 2010]

War Moral and ethical aspects.
Terrorism and the war in Iraq : a Christian word from Latin America / C. Rene¿¿ Padilla and Lindy Scott.   [U 22 .P335 2004]

War on Terrorism, 2001-
Terrorism and the war in Iraq : a Christian word from Latin America / C. Rene¿¿ Padilla and Lindy Scott.   [U 22 .P335 2004]

Water in literature.
Eau, enjeux politiques et the¿¿ologiques, de Sumer a¿¿ la Bible / par Ste¿¿phanie Anthonioz.   [BS 410 .V452 v.131]

Water in the Bible.
Eau, enjeux politiques et the¿¿ologiques, de Sumer a¿¿ la Bible / par Ste¿¿phanie Anthonioz.   [BS 410 .V452 v.131]

Water Iraq Religious aspects History.
Eau, enjeux politiques et the¿¿ologiques, de Sumer a¿¿ la Bible / par Ste¿¿phanie Anthonioz.   [BS 410 .V452 v.131]

Water Mythology Iraq History.
Eau, enjeux politiques et the¿¿ologiques, de Sumer a¿¿ la Bible / par Ste¿¿phanie Anthonioz.   [BS 410 .V452 v.131]

Water Political aspects Iraq History.
Eau, enjeux politiques et the¿¿ologiques, de Sumer a¿¿ la Bible / par Ste¿¿phanie Anthonioz.   [BS 410 .V452 v.131]

Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788.
Pain, passion and faith : revisiting the place of Charles Wesley in early Methodism / Joanna Cruickshank.   [BT 732.7 .C78 2009]

Wesley, Samuel, 1662-1735.
Prevenient piety of Samuel Wesley, Sr. / Arthur Alan Torpy.   [BX 5207 .W47 T67 2009]

Wilberforce, William, 1759-1833.
Amazing Grace : William Wilberforce and the heroic campaign to end slavery / Eric Metaxas.   [HT 1029 .W6 M48 2008]

Witness bearing (Christianity)
Testimony : talking ourselves into being Christian / Thomas G. Long.   [BV 4520 .L56 2004]

Women in church work History 21st century.
Jesus girls : true tales of growing up female and evangelical / edited by Hannah Faith Notess.   [BR 1643 .A1 N684 2009]

Women in fundamentalist churches History 21st century.
Jesus girls : true tales of growing up female and evangelical / edited by Hannah Faith Notess.   [BR 1643 .A1 N684 2009]

Women Religious aspects Christianity.
Image and glory of God : 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 as a case study in Bible, gender and hermeneutics / Michael J. Lakey.   [BS 2675.52 .L354 2010]

Youth Suicidal behavior United States Case studies.
Remembering Garrett : one family's battle with a child's depression / Gordon H. Smith ; [introduction by Edward Kennedy and Orrin Hatch].   [HV 6546 .S565 2006]